Three More Ways to Relieve Holiday Stress

‘Tis the season once again! The holidays can be a joyful time, offering a chance to reconnect with friends and family, but they can also be stressful. The hustle and bustle of the season can be hectic and the pressure to buy and give gifts can be worrisome for some. In order to maneuver through this holiday season stress free, consider the following to help alleviate any holiday induced stress. Last year, we discussed Three Ways to Relieve Holiday Stress, so here are three more!
Make a Plan
Create a budget so you know your spending limit, and then stick to it. Lack of money is one of the biggest causes of stress during the holiday season. Making sure you adhere to your budget can help relieve the stress that comes along with overspending.This year, set a budget and don’t spend more than what you have planned.
Get organized by marking lists or using an appointment book to keep track of your to-dos and upcoming holiday events. It’s okay to decline an invitation to a holiday event that isn’t particularly important to you. Learning to say “no” will give you more time to say “yes” to the events that you do want to attend. It will also give you more time to complete the things you want or need to get done.
Continue To Gift Thoughtfully
You can offset the guilt of not wanting to overspend by giving something personal. You can show love and caring with any gift that is meaningful and personal and that will be worth more than a pricey gift from a big-box retailer.
You can kill two birds with one stone by searching for thoughtful gifts online at webanaturalproducts.com. This will also offset the stress that comes with shopping at an overcrowded mall during the holiday season. If you like the idea of a brick-and-mortar store, however, shop local. Most local stores have more unique, one-of-a-kind and personalized items that may not be carried by larger retailers.
Treat Yourself
Even though the holidays is a time based around giving rather than receiving, don’t forget that you deserve a little something too. This doesn’t necessarily need to come in a form of a new handbag or expensive luxury item- it can be something as simple as taking a little bit of time to set aside for yourself. This time can come in many forms such as going for a short walk, setting aside some time in the morning before you start your day, listening to some music or soaking in a nice warm bath. If you plan on giving yourself a little TLC in the form of self-care we suggest you indulge your skin with our Healthy Skin Spa Box. You could even buy two – one for you and one for a friend!
Taking care of yourself will help you deal with stressful situations during the holidays. Pay attention to your own needs and feelings and maintain a regular sleep, mealtime, and exercise schedule. But most of all, remember to embrace the season!