Natural remedies for thin, weak nails

Natural remedies for thin weak nails; handwashing and protection

If you are looking for natural remedies for thin, weak nails or for brittle nails, look no further. There are many things that you can do to keep your nails healthy and strong without spending a lot of money on potentially harmful nail treatments.

Weak, thin, or brittle nails can be caused by a number of things. Usually, it results from keeping hands in water constantly. People who wash dishes regularly, for example, may find that their nails are becoming softer and thinner. Wetting and drying of the nail bed can affect its integrity. It’s the reason why dermatologists usually recommend wearing gloves when immersing one’s hands in water for long periods. Gloves can also keep hands and nails away from harsh surfactants and other chemicals that can dry out the skin and nails.

If you don’t like to wear gloves, take the following steps to keep nails healthy:

  • Avoid harsh detergent cleaners that strip oil from skin and nails, like alcohols and bleaches.
  • Avoid acetone-based nail polish removers.
  • Use a moisturizer or barrier balm (like our all-purpose balms here immediately after immersing hands in water or after housecleaning to add targeted moisture and seal it in.
  • Keep nails cut short to avoid tearing. Don’t cut cuticles.
  • Avoid over-buffing nails.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Take a biotin supplement if needed.
  • Use a moisturizer and wear cotton gloves overnight to allow the moisturizer to work.
  • If there are any sudden changes to your nails, see your doctor.

By taking just a few easy steps, you can go a long way towards keeping your nails strong, healthy and beautiful!

Dr Oz article on strengthening brittle nails
American Osteopathic College of Dermatology information on brittle nails

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